School Holidays 2019-2020 Calendar

There are cases when schools are excluded from school during school holidays. Usually the days of the lesson are not counted. School holidays 2019 are also called holidays, rest periods or breaks. Holidays are very different around the world.


New Year's Eve (about 10 days) before Christmas Eve on school days, usually on weekdays, Thanksgiving Day and Thanksgiving Day during school holidays, Martin Luther King’s birthday, Presidents Day, during the Holy Week of Western Christian, sometimes Easter (five or six days) and a break in the days after Memorial Day. Some schools also have Columbus Day, Veterans Day, Lincoln's Birthday, Washington's Birthday, and other official or local holidays. Some schools have additional leave for students who have working days for staff, such as parent conferences and teachers. School holidays are usually 20 days. 


Note: Schools have several days of training and school development. 


Traditional School of the Year

Perhaps 70% or more of the schools are still in the traditional school calendar, but this number is falling. The school starts a week before or after the day of work (beginning of the week from September 1) and lasts until the beginning of June. Some provinces last from mid-August to early June. Winter usually happens one to two weeks before Christmas and a week after the New Year. The spring break was a week or a week before Easter as soon as possible, but now it can always be in March or April.


School Changed Year

These schools usually run through mid-July and two weeks in October, two weeks in winter, and two weeks in June.


College Years

Students are different, so usually some children go to school and others abroad.


Home School

At home school is growing trend. These students will study and research throughout the year.


Wanted Vacation With Californian Learning System

This usually means a 3-day school weekend. Section 37220 requires the closure of schools on the following dates:


  • New Year: January 1
  • Martin Luther King Jr .: Monday or Friday from January 15th.
  • Memorial Day: Last Monday of May
  • Lincoln Day: Monday or Friday of the week of February 12th.
  • Washington Day: the third Monday of February
  • Labor Day: the first Monday of September
  • Independence Day: July 4
  • Christmas: December 25
  • Veterans Day: November 11
  • Thanksgiving: Thursday, November 4


Some schools will celebrate the day of Caesar Chávez on March 31st. This is an official vacation, that is, the University of California, not far from this day. Thanksgiving days extend to many weekends on Wednesdays / Thursdays throughout the week. This movement absorbs families traveling. In some areas there was also a transition to extend the winter holidays to three weeks. This includes families traveling with relatives or long vacations. These are not exact dates but are common when more students can leave school. In June, July and August, it is always full and usually in early March / early April.